We guarantee a minimum 20% increase in traffic.

We are so confident that our tools will bring in excellent results for your website, we are offering you a written guarantee that if your website doesn't experience minimum of 20% increase in visitor traffic in the first 6 months of our services, we'll give you 3 whole months of Search Engine Optimization for free.

Why are we so confident? Because time and time again, when our clients have purchased our world class tools and applied the strategies we teach them, they achieve significant results, and what you need to ask yourself is what you think an increase like this would do to your lead generation and then ultimately your sales.

The not so small, small print:

To qualify for our guarantee you must:

  1. Purchase the following tools and services for your website: Standard Business Website, Database Marketing, Blog, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization & Social Media Setup.
  2. The purchased tools and services need to have been running for a minimum of 6 months.
  3. You need to have sent a minimum of one (1) email campaign every month to your existing contact database.
  4. You need to have sent a minimum of one (1) blog posted every month to your website.
  5. You need to implement all changes/recommendations in your SEO report within a month.
  • *3 months of free Search Engine Marketing, is for the service fee. (It doesn't include your seperate adword costs, paid to Google)

Assess your website for FREE!

Enter your website URL, and within seconds we'll let you know where your website's strengths and weaknesses lie.



Ignite your website with helpful tips and strategies
from Bloomtools’ team of expert marketers.

What do broken website links mean?

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What do broken website links mean?
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Bloomtools Designs Websites With The Latest Design and Development Tools

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